News / Australian artist exhibits his paintings
Lukos Hey is an Australian painter, studied at the University of Newcastle, Australia. During his travels around the world where he was looking for an inspiration, he visited Prague, which enchanted him so much that he has already stayed there and has been living and working in Prague for more than 12 years. Lukos does not have a uniform style and his work is interesting, diverse, distinctive. He has a great sense of color combinations, oscillating between impressionism, cubism, magical realism.
His fragmented perspectives are classic for his buildings and landscapes. His work is represented in many private collections around the world. The European Union of Arts has selected the painter Lukos Hey as the holder of the European Award for artistic and cultural activities - Golden Europea 2021. His first artistic presentation this year will take place in the gallery on the square in Roudnice nad Labem from 15 June 2021.