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CHN, Xianguin - Zhejiang Conservatory of Music awarded, 2024

CHN, Xianguin - Zhejiang Conservatory of Music awarded, 2024

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The ceremonial concert of the chamber orchestra of traditional music of ancient China took place on February 2, 2024 in the great hall of the Municipal Library in Prague. The concert and social gathering took place on the occasion of the beginning of the Chinese New Year of the Dragon. In the presence of His Excellency Mr. Feng Biao - Ambassador of the PRC in the Czech Republic and other distinguished guests, the European Union of Arts presented its main prize for cultural and artistic activity, the Golden Europea,

SVK, Terajšok - Alena Teicherová took over the EUA award, 2022

SVK, Terajšok - Alena Teicherová took over the EUA award, 2022

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The prominent Slovak artist Alena Teicherová received the highest award of the European Union of Arts - Golden Europea for her versatile and innovative artistic expression in her work. The EUA appreciates its contribution to iconography, restoration, pedagogy and art therapy. The awarding of the "European Prize for Artistic and Cultural Activity" took place in the House of the Army of the Slovak Republic in Trenčín on April 22, 2022. The award was presented by members of the EUU Presidium together with an honorary member of this international association Mr. Ing. A. Barcik.

CHN, Xinhua News Agency - 3rd Prague International Students Art Fesival, 2019

CHN, Xinhua News Agency - 3rd Prague International Students Art Fesival, 2019

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China’s largest media company, the Xinhua News Agency, mentions the great tradition of meeting children and students in Prague for several days in conjunction with their own art. Several hundred young artists from many European countries (England, Israel, China, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc.) have taken part in the Prague Congress Center for three years. The opening ceremony of the 3rd year of PISAF on 22 July 2019 was also attended by the Ambassador of the PRC in Prague, Mr. Zhang Jianmin, who cut with the President of the European Union of Art Petr Vašíček the "starting tape" of the student festival.

RUS, Russkij vjestnik, Specialnyj vypusk gazety No. 16-17 Slavjanskoje jedinstvo - Utrata vsjech Slavjan-patriotov, 2019

RUS, Russkij vjestnik, Specialnyj vypusk gazety No. 16-17 Slavjanskoje jedinstvo - Utrata vsjech Slavjan-patriotov, 2019

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The obituary in a special edition of the magazine "Russian Newsletter" highly appreciates the lifelong work and legacy of the unexpectedly deceased EUU member, the great folklorist (member of IOV and CIOFF), Mr. Zdeněk Pšenica. The author of the obituary is JUDr. Zdeněk Opatřil.

CHE, Ľ Ami du Patois, Revue des Patoisants de Suisse Romande No. 173 - Hommage á Bernard Martin, 2018

CHE, Ľ Ami du Patois, Revue des Patoisants de Suisse Romande No. 173 - Hommage á Bernard Martin, 2018

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In a review published by the International Society of Frankoprovensal Dialects F.R.I.P. (45th year) Anne-Gabrielle Bretz-Hérietier published a memory of the life and work of the president of this international association, Mr. Bernard Louis Martin, who tragically died in October 2018. Swiss Mr. Bernard L. Martin was also Vice President of the European Union of Art, Evangelical pastor, a long-standing Christian missionary in Mexico, a member of the Swiss canton of Voud, and a widely engaged figure in Central and Western Europe.

CHE, Vivre á Montreux, Bulletin No. 42-2018 - Sur les pas de Tolstoi, 2018

CHE, Vivre á Montreux, Bulletin No. 42-2018 - Sur les pas de Tolstoi, 2018

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In the footsteps of Tolstoy.
An article published in the newsletter of the city of Montreux, which acquaints the Swiss public with the stay of the writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in Switzerland at the Perret guesthouse in Montreux (Clarens district) in 1864. The plaque has been installed on the main tourist promenade of the "Swiss Riviera" on the shore of Lake Geneva since October 2018.

CHN, China-Europe Culture & Arts News - Macau dancing ensemble won the European award, 2018

CHN, China-Europe Culture & Arts News - Macau dancing ensemble won the European award, 2018

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Macao is a former Portuguese colony, since 1999 a special administrative region ot the Peoples Republic of China. It spreads ot the mouth of the Pearl River to the South China Sea, 60 miles west of Hong Kong. The group „Regina Dance Group Macau“ has a repertoáre of traditional Chinese dances in modern choreografy. She has received signifiant awards at festivals in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore, Bangkok and Perth, Australia. First great awards from Europe with bronze sculpture „Art in the Heart“ took the dance masters to the Far East to Macau on Sunday, August 26, 2018 from the International Festival in Liptál (Czech Republic).

CHN, China-Europe Culture & Arts News - Two European Awards for China, 2018

CHN, China-Europe Culture & Arts News - Two European Awards for China, 2018

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The European Union of Art has honored Chinese journalists and publishers Zhang Hong, who won the Gold Medal of Leo Tolstoy. The China-Czech Association for Cultural Exchange Director Mrs. Li Mungling has been awarded the European Arts and Culture Support Award (European Plate). The ceremony was attended by Mrs. Ma Kequing, Ambassador of the PRC, and other important personalities from China and the Czech Republic. The celebration took place on 20 July 2018 at the Congress Center in Prague.

CZE, Liptálský zpravodaj č. 2-2017 - Night of Churches and European Union of the Arts, 2017

CZE, Liptálský zpravodaj č. 2-2017 - Night of Churches and European Union of the Arts, 2017

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The European Union of Arts also took part in the pan-European cultural activity "Night of the Churches", which organized an exhibition of artworks by prof. Janka Krivošová with a spiritual theme. This exhibition was personally accompanied by the laureate of the European EUU Golden Europea Award prof. Janka Krivošová (SVK) an interesting historical interpretation of the history of Christianity in Europe. The opening of the exhibition with an organ concert and lecture by Mrs. Professor took place on 9 June 2017.

SVK, Slovenské národné noviny - We can only save ourselves with love, 2017

SVK, Slovenské národné noviny - We can only save ourselves with love, 2017

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Member and EUA European Prize laureate Mr. prof. Jozef Leikert (SVK) presents his new collection of poems "The Eights of the Galaxy." Expresses its conviction,that we can save this world from self-destruction only by love.

UKR, Press Centr Global Christian Support, No. 191 - Prayer for Peace in Ukraine in the Office of the Representation of the Czech Republic in the European Commission, 2016

UKR, Press Centr Global Christian Support, No. 191 - Prayer for Peace in Ukraine in the Office of the Representation of the Czech Republic in the European Commission, 2016

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The European Commission meeting room in Prague hosted a formal reception and discussion with children from the war region in eastern Ukraine (Luhansk and Dombas). The meeting of EUU members and their guests was held as an ecumenical gathering with prayers for peace in Ukraine with representatives of several Christian churches. Children from the war area in Ukraine had a rich program in Prague and Pribram with gifts.

CZE, Valašský deník - Liptal won the Europea Prize, 2015

CZE, Valašský deník - Liptal won the Europea Prize, 2015

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The Diary of the Zlín Region presents a recapitulation of the most important events of 2015, including the award of the Liptál municipality by the European Union of Arts.

CHE, Trienger Surentaler - Ich könnte nur noch hüpfen, 2015

CHE, Trienger Surentaler - Ich könnte nur noch hüpfen, 2015

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On Saturday, 12. 12. 2015 invited Harp orchestra Arpa Doro public to its Christmas concert in Sursee. This is done on a concert harp 25 and 11 other musicians and singers Chamber Orchestra. There has been awarded the European prize Golden Europea for founders and managers of married couple Hana and Karel Vihan. The European award was handed over by the President of the European Union of Arts Dr. Petr Vasicek from the Czech Republic and vice president of the International Cultural Association, Mr Bernard Louis Martin from Switzerland. Laureates husbands Vihan deserves public recognition

CHE, Surseer Woche - Harfenlehrerin erhält Golden Europea, 2015

CHE, Surseer Woche - Harfenlehrerin erhält Golden Europea, 2015

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Swiss harp orchestra Arpa Doro reminds this year its 20th anniversary. It belongs to a unique and well-known European music ensembles. In its advent concerts on 12 and 13 December 2015 in cathedrals in Sursee and in Ebikon (near Lucerne in Switzerland) will take the prestigious award by the European Union of Arts "Golden Europea" founders of this file husbands Hana and Karel Vihan. Already in these days of concerts are completely sold out.

CZE, Valašský deník - Liptal took over the Golden Europea, 2015

CZE, Valašský deník -  Liptal took over the Golden Europea, 2015

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The first village, which won Golden Europea is not only in the Czech Republic but also in Europe, became the Wallachian village Liptal. Wallachian Village has received for her long-term contribution and support of arts and culture. Was selected from four nominees from the Czech Republic, Poland, Switzerland and Ukraine. The Mayor of village Milan Danya took over prize by the president of the European Union of Arts Peter Vasicek. "The award Liptal is another signal to the public what is currently our international society deems important,"

SRB, Svet - Nagrade EU za Zvonka Bogdana i Roberta Čobana, 2015

SRB, Svet - Nagrade EU za Zvonka Bogdana i Roberta Čobana, 2015

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In the Writers’ Club in Belgrade received the prestigious European prize first two artists from Serbia. Mr. Zvonko Bogdan took over the European Award for artistic and cultural activities for his singer and composer activity in the Balkans, Mr. Robert Čoban received the Gold Medal of Leo Tolstoy for his journalism and publishing. Present were V.I.P. from all over Serbia, including the President of the Parliament, the Minister of Culture of Serbia, the most important writers, journalists and other artists from that country.

SRB, Tanjug - Nagrade Evropske unije za Roberta Čobana i Zvonko Bogdana, 2015

SRB, Tanjug - Nagrade Evropske unije za Roberta Čobana i Zvonko Bogdana, 2015

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BEOGRAD - In the Writers’ Club in Belgrade received the prestigious European prize first two artists from Serbia. Mr. Robert Čoban received the Gold Medal of Leo Tolstoy for his journalism and publishing, Mr. Zvonko Bogdan took over the European Award for artistic and cultural activities for his singer and composer activity in the Balkans. Present were V.I.P. from all over Serbia, including the President of the Parliament, the Minister of Culture of Serbia, the most important writers, journalists and other artists from that country.

CZE, Jalovec - The first village in Europe, 2015

CZE, Jalovec - The first village in Europe, 2015

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The first village in Europe, which gets the main prize of the European Union of Arts - European Award for artistic and cultural Activities GOLDEN EUROPEA, is village Liptal in the Czech Republic. This award will be handed over to representatives of the community at home gala 46th International Folklore Festival Liptal festival 2015 - Sunday, 23. 8. 2015 in 15 hours.

DEU, Serbske Nowiny - Meeting of the holders of the Gold Medal of Leo Tolstoy in Prague, 2014

DEU, Serbske Nowiny - Meeting of the holders of the Gold Medal of Leo Tolstoy in Prague, 2014

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"Golden Prague" is for people of German Lausitz great historical charm. For many centuries there studying youth in universities and in Christian seminaries and they brought to his home country level of education and creative enthusiasm. The European Commission headquarters in Prague was attended by members of the Union of Lusatian Serb artists at the conference of writers and publicists. Benedict Dyrlich here emphasized that meetings and cooperation with the Slavic and non-Slavic intellectuals is for the continued existence of

SVK, Hlavné správy TASR - Slavomíra Očenášová Štrbová received the Gold Medal of Leo Tolstoy in Prague, 2014

SVK, Hlavné správy TASR - Slavomíra Očenášová Štrbová received the Gold Medal of Leo Tolstoy in Prague, 2014

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Slavomira Ocenasova Strbova is important Slovak writer and literary scholar. In Prague, in the evangelical church of St. Michael be sent to it Gold medal of Leo Tolstoy as the first woman in the world. Award handed president of the European Union of Arts Petr Vasicek (Czech Republic) and the first vice-president Gennadiy Bazayev from EUA (Ukraine). This celebration took place on the 30th January 2014.

SVK, ECAV.SK - Gold medal of Leo Tolstoy was awarded the S. Očenášová Štrbová, 2014

SVK, ECAV.SK - Gold medal of Leo Tolstoy was awarded the S. Očenášová Štrbová, 2014

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In the evangelical church of St. Michael in Prague with a presentation of the book "Life, faith, art" by Slavomíra Očenášová. The book is composed of interviews with 22 prominent Slovak artists. This excellent book said Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Media of Pan-European University Bratislava Professor Jozef Leikert. Excerpts from the book presented the actor Marko Igolda with accompaniment of organ music performer Michalela Hradecka. The whole evening was hosted by Fedor Mikovič known editor of the Slovak Radio and nonfiction writer. Among the guests were attended by the members Tranoscius publishing from Slovakia.

DEU, Serbske Nowiny - Request for Angela Merkel was supported by EUA, 2014

DEU, Serbske Nowiny - Request for Angela Merkel was supported by EUA, 2014

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Letter from the Association of Serbian artists were sent to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel economy to promote cultural and community life of the Sorbs. The resolution was signed by participants of the meeting of writers and journalists at the headquarters of the European Commission Representation in Prague on 31 January 2014. Among the signatories of the letter were as Prof. Jozef Leikert - Dean of the Pan European University in Bratislava, Josef Foldyna - Member of Parliament, Dr. Petr Vasicek - President of the European Union of Arts, along with

SVK, TASR - Vojtech Zamarovsky connects the Czech and Slovak writers, 2013

SVK, TASR - Vojtech Zamarovsky connects the Czech and Slovak writers, 2013

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At an international meeting of writers of nonfiction Literary Bojnice presented the awards Vojtech Zamarovsky, Gold Medal of Leo Tolstoy and Gold pen Ladislav Tazky. "Writer Vojtech Zamarovsky, which I greatly appreciate, is important because it connects the Czech and Slovak writers of nonfiction. He is an example for them as the purest representatives of this very complex literary of the genre ... ", said the holder of this award, Czech author and university professor Jan Halada.
(Photo/TASR-Pavol Remias: Radio journalist Fedor Mikovic takes over the Gold Medal of L.Tolstoy from Petr Vasicek-the President of EUA)

KAZ, TENGRI NEWS gain the top - Nurzhamal Usenbayeva from Kazakhstan receives Golden Europea, 2013

KAZ, TENGRI NEWS gain the top - Nurzhamal Usenbayeva from Kazakhstan receives Golden Europea, 2013

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Nurzhamal Usenbayeva from Kazakhstan receives Golden Europea

Monday, 11.11.2013, 14:00
Nurzhamal Usenbayeva. ©Yaroslav Radlovsky

Nurzhamal Usenbayeva, a famous soprano from Kazakhstan, has been awarded with the prestigious Golden Europea statue for artistic and cultural activities by the European Union of Arts, Tengrinews

KAZ, SEZON Kazakh womens portal - World award for Nuyhamal Usenbayeva, 2013

KAZ, SEZON Kazakh womens portal - World award for Nuyhamal Usenbayeva, 2013

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Мировое признание Нуржамал Усенбаевой

8 ноября 2013Просмотров 615 Комментариев 0
Источник: www.caravan.kz Фото: meloman.kazakh.ru

+1 Translation of the article into English is written at the bottom:

За заслуги в области культуры народная артистка Казахстана Нуржамал Усенбаева (сопрано) награждена

KAZ, Kazakhstan 2050 - Peoples artist of Kazakhstan Nurzhamal Usenbayeva received Golden Europea honorary reward, 2013

KAZ, Kazakhstan 2050 - Peoples artist of Kazakhstan Nurzhamal Usenbayeva received Golden Europea honorary reward, 2013

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People’s artist of Kazakhstan Nurzhamal Usenbayeva received "Golden Europea" honorary reward

(Source of Information:  www.strategy2050.kz)

People’s artist of Kazakhstan Nurzhamal Usenbayeva (soprano) has received a high distinction in the sphere of artistic and cultural activity - “Golden Europea” from the European Arts Union. The opera dive performed at a charity gala concert on November 4 in Prague, and

CHE, La Région Nord vaudois - Faces of Orzens on wooden portraits, 2013

CHE, La Région Nord vaudois - Faces of Orzens on wooden portraits, 2013

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Laureate of the "Golden Europea" (2012) Frédéric Burkhard brings the original artwork on show in the Swiss village of Orzens. Historical black and white portraits and group photos artist revives to roughly treated wood surfaces with a patina of antiquity. This inventive art technology has gained a great appreciation and admiration of all visitors to the exhibition in the studio Frédéric Burkhard. The old manager Albert Piot (91 years) also identify on one of the works of art. Wide shot, originality and diversity of artistic creation Frédéric Burkhard demonstrates the validity of the award "Golden Europea" just this Swiss artists.

CHE, Itineraire - L’Union Européenne des Arts décerne la Médaille d’or Léon Tolstoï 2013 à Jean-Samuel Grand, 2013

CHE, Itineraire - L’Union Européenne des Arts décerne la Médaille d’or Léon Tolstoï 2013 à Jean-Samuel Grand, 2013

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L’Union Européenne des Arts décerne la Médaille d’or Léon Tolstoï 2013 à Jean-Samuel Grand, en reconnaissance de ses réalisations de toute une vie, en tant qu’éditeur et écrivain.

«Je vous remercie infiniment du Prix que j’ai eu l’honneur de recevoir de votre Président de l’Union Européenne des Arts (EUU), M. Petr Vasicek (CZ) et de M. Bernard Louis Martin (CH) Vice-Président EUU, lors de la célébration qui a eu lieu en l’église du Cloître ŕ Aigle (CH-Vd) le dimanche 23 septembre 2013.

SWE, Lokaltidningen Hoganas - It was awarded the lifetime work from Ulf Eklund, 2013

SWE, Lokaltidningen Hoganas - It was awarded the lifetime work from Ulf Eklund, 2013

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Artist and graphic designer Ulf Eklund from the village of Viken, Sweden received significant awards for artistic and cultural activities. Became one as the world-renowned company famous artists who received the same prize of the European Union art, such as Ronnie Wood and Placido Domingo. Ulf Eklund has in his studio admirable works of art. They are especially interesting made of copper engravings, conceived with humor, sometimes with great seriousness and tragicomic scenes.

CZE, Czech Sokol - 150 Years of Sokol Existence and XVth All Sokol Slet (representative the jubilee publications), 2013

CZE, Czech Sokol - 150 Years of Sokol Existence and XVth All Sokol Slet (representative the jubilee publications), 2013

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European Union of Arts pick them up and appreciated the international association Sokol in areas Carolinum at Prague’s Charles University. The ancient ideal "kalos kai agathos" was cultivated by generations of Sokol members after 150 years. Until a few decades later discloses similar thoughts Pier de Coubertin before the first modern Olympic Games in Athens. In all the activities of international organizations Sokol is a harmonic representation of physical culture, education, arts and moral education of members.

SVK, Info Trencin - Awards of the European Union oof Arts is already in the village Kubra, 2013

SVK, Info Trencin - Awards of the European Union oof Arts is already in the village Kubra, 2013

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80th anniversary of the the folklore group Kubra took place with distinguished guests from the European Union of Arts. "Authentic folklore is a great artistic expression which the real cultural values ​​of Europe belongs" said the president of the EUA Petr Vasicek. Group Leader Anna Liskova took over the European Award from the hands of the Vice President of EUA Bernard Louis Martin.

DEU, Saschische Zeitung - Tolstoy medals for two Serbian writers, 2013

DEU, Saschische Zeitung - Tolstoy medals for two Serbian writers, 2013

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During the 15 years appreciated the European Union of Arts almost 300 laureates from more than 40 countries on all continents. Lusatian Serb authors Benedict Dyrlich and Alfons Wićaz the first gold medalist of Leo Tolstoy. Since the year 2013, the newly awarded by the European Union of Arts for writers and publicists.

DEU, Sächsische Zeitung - Gold for two Serbian authors, 2013

DEU, Sächsische Zeitung - Gold for two Serbian authors, 2013

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Benedikt Dyrlich and Alfons Wićaz get Gold medal of Leo Tolstoy

The European Union of Arts for the first time in the world awarded the "Gold Medal of Leo Tolstoy" by two writers and publicists on the occasion 35th International Festival of Poetry Sorbian. Both writers and journalists received this award on Saturday 10th August 2013 in a natural amphitheater at Miltitz rocks near the village Nebelschütz in Saxony (Germany). The awards handed and ceremonial speech uttered Dr. Petr Vasicek, president of the European Union of Arts.

DEU, Serbske Nowiny - Dyrlich and Wicaz were awarded, 2013

DEU, Serbske Nowiny - Dyrlich and Wicaz were awarded, 2013

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In the presence of many poets, writers and journalists have historically passed first Gold Medals of Leo Tolstoy. New award from the European Union of Arts have received Benedict Dyrlich and Alfons Lehman-Wićaz. The ceremony took place in the natural monument Steinbruch Miltitz the village Nebelschütz in Lausitz. The event was also attended by members of the Deutschen Bundestag in Berlin.

SVK, SOPU Trencin - Folklore group Kubra 1933 - 2013 (Jubilee publication), 2013

SVK, SOPU Trencin - Folklore group Kubra 1933 - 2013 (Jubilee publication), 2013

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80th anniversary of the founding folk group Kubra be glorified a full day program first Saturday of August 2013. On this occasion it was printed the jubilee publication that contains Nominations letter from Europoean Union of Arts. FG Kubra became the first ever ethnographic and folk group in the world, which was handed over European Award for Artistic and Cultural Activities.

CZE, MF Dnes - Golonka celebrates 75 years, 2013

CZE, MF Dnes - Golonka celebrates 75 years, 2013

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One of the best hockey players in the world XX. century - Jozef Golonka from Slovakia - lives up to this year 75 years old. He was assigned to the "Hall of Fame ice hockey" and in 2013 he won the "European Award for artistic and cultural activities - Golden Europea". It is the first athlete of the world that this European Culture Prize received. His theatrical creations during hockey matches, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union encouraged the enslaved nations of Central and Eastern Europe.

CHE, La Region Nord vaudois - Un prix européen pour un artisté ďOrzens, 2012

CHE, La Region Nord vaudois - Un prix européen pour un artisté ďOrzens, 2012

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Le sculpteur Frédéric Burkhard a recu une haute distinction de la part du comité directeur de 1’Union europé les arts et la culture pour la diversité de ses créations et 1’action qu’il měne pour rapprocher les continents.

FRA, LA Guebwiller - L europeen convaincu, 2012

FRA, LA Guebwiller - L europeen convaincu, 2012

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Lactualité du peintre Marc Finiels est ďimportance, puisqďil vient de se voir décerner un prix internatio-nal et qiťil réalise actuelle-ment dans sa ville natale de Guebwiller un mur peint sur le tněme du théátre.

DEU, Serbske Nowiny - Slawne myto Domowinje, 2012

DEU, Serbske Nowiny - Slawne myto Domowinje, 2012

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Wšojedne kotrc koparske mustwo abo kolry wumčic wčera popotdnju a wječor na jewišcu steješe, publikum na dworje Smoc-hčanskeho domu biskopa Bena da s« na kulturnym dnju europeady sobu storhnyé. Dewiza za wšitkich rěkaše sobu činié. Wjacore sta lud/i so na swjedženišcu zetkachu a dožiwichu na te wašnje woprawdžite zjednoéťnje mjez kopanců a kulturu. Mjezynárodně a serbske poskitki so tam ideál 11 je splečechu. Foto: SN/M. Bulank

DEU, LR Rundschau - Waliser stoben auf Europeada an, 2012

DEU, LR Rundschau - Waliser stoben auf Europeada an, 2012

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Spielfrei: Die Delegationen der Europeada haben am Mittwoch in Schmochtitz auf Ein-ladung der Lausitzer Sorben im Bischof-Ben-no-Haus in Bautzen ein kulturelles Pro-gramm genossen. Auf einer Open-Air-Biihne prásentierten die Mannschaften mit Musik

SVK, SME - European Award for city Zilina, 2012

SVK, SME - European Award for city Zilina, 2012

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Extraordinary events 1 June 2012, the valuation of Zilina Slovak statue of the Golden Europea. Mayor Mr. Igor Choma took the "European Award for promoting arts and culture" jubilee 700 years duration municipal rights in this important crossroads of European trade and cultural routes.

DEU, Serbske Nowiny - Lusatian Serb from Bautzen, 2011

DEU, Serbske Nowiny -  Lusatian Serb from Bautzen, 2011

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Prezident Europskeje unije za wumělstwo dr. Petr Vašíček přepoda nestorej serb- skich tworjacych wumětcow Janej Bukej na naročnej swjatočnosći pjatk w Budy­skim Serbskim muzeju Myto Europskeje unije za wumělstwo. Foto: SN/M. Bulank

DEU, Süddeutche Zeitung - Kulturpreis für Bautzener Ehrenbürger, 2011

DEU, Süddeutche Zeitung - Kulturpreis für Bautzener Ehrenbürger, 2011

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Kulturpreis für Bautzener Ehrenbürger

Der Künstler und Bautzener Ehrenbürger Jan Buck be­kommt den Kunstpreis der Europäischen Union. Damit ist er der erste Jan Buck  Künstler im

Freistaat Sach­sen und der erste Sorbe, der diesen seit 1999 verliehenen Preis erhält. Geehrt wird Buck für sein Lebens­werk. „Mit seiner künstlerischen Leistung prägt er die sorbische und sächsische zeitgenössische bilden­de Kunst und vertritt damit die eu­ropäische Moderne“, heißt es in ei­ner Mitteilung zur Preisverleihung.

CZE, Metro – Domingo: „My voice is a gift“, 2011

CZE, Metro – Domingo: „My voice is a gift“, 2011

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After seventeen years in the Czech Republic returned an opera star, tenor Placido Domingo on "I’m sorry that it took so long" says Czech audience...

Plácido Domingo took over 18. 08. 2011 at the Grand Hotel Mandarin Orion Prague "European Award for artictic and Cultural Activities Golden Europea". Statuette "Golden Europea" along with a certificate for Maestro gave Edita Rand and Petr Vasicek. Plácido Domingo concert concludes its busy year anniversary international music festival Czech Krumlov.

SVK, Newsletter Terchova - Valuation for Slovakia in village Terchova, 2011

SVK, Newsletter Terchova - Valuation for Slovakia in village Terchova, 2011

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You’ll see at the 49th annual international folklore festival “Janosik days 2011”. Janosik bandit was a hero and protector of the Slovak people. Local residents keep living folk arts and culture for many decades. The main organizer is Mr. Rudolf Patrnciak - this year’s laureate prize Golden Europea awarded European Union of Arts.

CZE, Economic Newspaper - It is nice to hear doing it well, 2010

CZE, Economic Newspaper - It is nice to hear doing it well, 2010

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Organizers of the biggest international floorball tournament in the world "Czech Open" are rewarded for promoting arts and culture. Every year it organizes floorball section Tatran Stresovice Prague meeting thousands of young athletes from all over Europe and some Asian countries. In addition to the sports program, young people have the opportunity to attend free of charge exhibitions, concerts and other cultural and historical attractions of Prague. It’s a huge promotion of art and culture in the heart of Europe, which offer be no State cultural institutions in such a large scale. "European Award for Promoting arts and culture" these athletes rightfully belongs.

CZE, Metro - Opera singer Ms. Edith Rand at Carnegie Hall, 2010

CZE, Metro - Opera singer Ms. Edith Rand at Carnegie Hall, 2010

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After receiving the prices of Gustav Mahler for outstanding contribution to music, Czech mezzosoprano Edita Rand will meet on Friday lifelong dream off at the famous Carnegie Hall. Piano accompaniment - Frank Wasser from Germany. Recently career Edita Rand increasing. Listeners it could recently be heard not only in concert halls, but also opera houses in Europe, China and Mexico. Performance Edita Rand in the Czech Republic thus become quite a unique opportunity.

SWE, Lokaltidningen Hoganas - Artists from Hoganas visited Prague, 2006

SWE, Lokaltidningen Hoganas - Artists from Hoganas visited Prague, 2006

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The project of Swedish and Czech artists culminated in 2006 with a meeting and exhibition in Prague. In the capital city of the Czech Republic were officially accepted by Dr. Peter Vašíček, Director of Regional and National Culture in the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. Tours of the historical rooms and gallery in Nostic palace was the end of another year of collaboration and meeting artists.

DEU, Die Welt - Frühlingsboten in Dietz, 2005

DEU, Die Welt - Frühlingsboten in Dietz, 2005

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"Harbinger of spring" in Diez. Art glass, textiles, clay and photographic arts were presented at a joint exhibition in the house Eberhard called "harbinger of spring". Friends - Czech artists (Prof. Miroslav Klivar, Rudolf Mejsnar) and a German artist (Elke Willmund) here exhibited his artwork. The opening was present in addition to special guests also Dr. Gerhard Willmund and the first councilor of Diez Mr. Hans Ziegner (SPD). At the exhibition opening received by Mrs. Elke Willmund European Prize for Fine Arts from President of EUA Prof. Miroslav Klivar.

LVA, Vesti Sevodniya - European Cup for the Vesti Sevodniya, 2005

LVA, Vesti Sevodniya - European Cup for the Vesti Sevodniya, 2005

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European Cup for the Russian-Latvian newspaper "Vesti Sevodniya" gave himself president of the European Union Mr. Miroslav KLIVAR art into the hands of the editor Alexander Blin. Akademik KLIVAR stressed that the Russian press plays in European society a big role, acting inclusive and promotes national culture. In a multi-ethnic Europe, in the opinion of Prof. KLIVAR, each nation must be able to protect their cultural identity.

RUS, Vesti Sevodniya - European Cup for the Russian newspaper, 2005

RUS, Vesti Sevodniya - European Cup for the Russian newspaper, 2005

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Yesterday (23 May 2005) was the Latvian newspaper "Vesti Sevodniya" (news today) as the first in the post-Soviet space diploma awarded a cup for contribution to the development of European culture. (The prize personally handed the founder and president of the European Union of Arts academician Prof. Dr. Miroslav KLIVAR, PhD.)

DEU, Neues Deutschland - Künstlerisches Schaffen gewürdigt, 2004

DEU, Neues Deutschland - Künstlerisches Schaffen gewürdigt, 2004

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Master Gerd Schmatz is a holder of European Prize for Fine Arts. At the 55th birthday exhibited his work in the gallery in Prague’s Strahov Miro. "Master Horst" form and leaves his impressionistic works not only in Bavaria but also in Prague and elsewhere in Europe.

DEU, Mittelbayerische Zeitung - Kunstpreis für Gerd Schmatz alias Horst, 2004

DEU, Mittelbayerische Zeitung - Kunstpreis für Gerd Schmatz alias Horst, 2004

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Nittenau. Great joy was Gerd Schmatz alias "Horst", when in his city Nittenau took over the European Prize for Fine Arts from the President of the European Union of Arts Prof. Miroslav Klivar...

DEU, Blick in die Region - Kulturbegegnungen von West nach Ost, 2002

DEU, Blick in die Region - Kulturbegegnungen von West nach Ost, 2002

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Cultural meeting West and the East. A remarkable exhibition of art works was held at the historical premises of the Town Hall of Deidesheim. Under the auspices of Helga Mehringer a gallery exhibiting 15 artists, among whom were artists from Germany, Czech, Slovakia, Armenia and China. At the opening of the present Mayor of Deidesheim a member of the German Bundestag, Dr. Heiner Geissler. For example, the Czech Republic exhibited Vladimir Komarek, Antonin Bartos, Olga Vohnoutová a Chinese impressionist Zou Ming.

DEU, Stuttgarter Zeitung - Europapreis für Hajek, 2001

DEU, Stuttgarter Zeitung - Europapreis für Hajek, 2001

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The first German artist, who was awarded the European Prize for Art in 2001, became a sculptor Otto Herbert Hajek of Stuttgart. Award handed over president of the European Union of Arts Prof. Miroslav KLIVAR (center) from Prague. Laureate emphasized the fact that this is starting to build a creative bridge between Western and Eastern Europe.

CZE, Nathional theatre - Ivan Kusnjer and European prize of Gustav Mahler

CZE, Nathional theatre - Ivan Kusnjer and European prize of Gustav Mahler

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On 13 to 15 October 2000 was held in Jihlava great celebration. The whole music world was reminded of 140 anniversary of Gustav Mahler’s birth and the 130th anniversary of his first public concert. In the presence of the Austrian ambassador in Czech Republic are taken over significant awards soloist of the National Theatre Ivan Kusnjer. The price of Gustav Mahler was awarded to artists for outstanding and long interpretation of songs by the composer. Maestro Ivan Kusnjer subsequently told the journalists:

CZE, Haló noviny, ČTK - European Union of Arts in Prague for the first time awarded their prizes, 2000

CZE, Haló noviny, ČTK - European Union of Arts in Prague for the first time awarded their prizes, 2000

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Czech Press Agency reports about the first award-winning artists who in Prague became laureates of European awards: Pavel Khun (choirmaster), Václav Riedlbauch (head of the National Theatre in Prague), Pavel Trnka (teacher Prague Conservatory), Bohumil Gregor (Conductor), Josef Ruzicka (singer), Eva Garajová (opera soloist), Eduard Haken in memoriam (singer of the National Theatre in Prague), Libuse Kralova-Ticha (ballet dancer and choreographer), Vlastimil Harapes (ballet master), Gerard Gratadour (French photographer) and Vlasta Wasserbauerová (painter).

CZE, Haló noviny - European Union of Arts was establidhed, 1999

CZE, Haló noviny - European Union of Arts was establidhed, 1999

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On Sunday 3rd October 1999 in Prague established a new international European organization European Union of Arts. At its inaugural congress was elected chairman Miroslav Klivar, Vice President became Djoko Stojicic (Yugoslavian poet), Radomir Pospisil and Czech poet Petr Burian. The new organization will prepare an international cultural events and cooperate with the EU in Brussels.

Our partners


Czech Republic

Petr Vašíček (CZE)


Kamil Papučík (SVK)
Vice President
