News / The rock sanctuary is a ten-year miracleze
In 2013, while visiting a limestone quarry on Mount Butkov near the small village of Ladce in Slovakia, priest Elias Vella from Malta had a thought-provoking thought: "a cross should stand here." The CEO of Považské cementárne Ladce, Mr. Anton Barcík - honorary member of the European Union of Arts - took these inspiring words in a creative way. After ten years, however, not only the cross of Christ stands on the top of Mount Butkov, but a wonderful cultural and spiritual area
was created and the now famous international pilgrimage site "Rock Sanctuary of God’s Mercy". With a number of valuable works of art and more than a hundred relics of saints from all over the world, the complex can accommodate up to 10,000 visitors. Two Slovak national pilgrimages every year and several concerts and other cultural events permanently attract thousands of guests from all over the world to the sanctuary. For the 10th anniversary of the sanctuary also bearing the name "Kríž Butkov", Mr. Anton Barcík prepared and published a wonderful five hundred page representative publication. In the presence of several hundred guests (including members of the European Union of Arts), this publication was ceremoniously launched on Sunday, November 26, 2023, in the Ladce House of Culture in Slovakia. EUU is proud of this achievement of its honorary member Anton Barcík and a true miracle of presence, which is worth seeing